Search » Weapon Items
T0. Short Sword
T0. Steel Dagger
T0. Shortbow
T0. Fire Wand
T0. Energy Staff
T0. Rusty Katana
T1. Broad Sword
T1. Dirk
T1. Reinforced Bow
T1. Force Wand
T1. Firebrand Staff
T1. Kendo Stick
T1. Kendo Stick Shiny
T2. Saber
T2. Blue Steel Dagger
T2. Hardwood Bow
T2. Power Wand
T2. Comet Staff
T2. Plain Katana
T3. Long Sword
T3. Dusky Rose Dagger
T3. Greywood Bow
T3. Missile Wand
T3. Serpentine Staff
T3. Thunder Katana
T4. Falchion
T4. Silver Dagger
T4. Ironwood Bow
T4. Eldritch Wand
T4. Meteor Staff
T4. Line Kutter Katana
T5. Fire Sword
T5. Golden Dagger
T5. Fire Bow
T5. Hell's Fire Wand
T5. Slayer Staff
T5. Night Edge
T6. Glass Sword
T6. Obsidian Dagger
T6. Sharpshooter Bow
T6. Wand of Dark Magic
T6. Avenger Staff
T6. Sky Edge
T7. Gilded Flail
T7. Golden Sword
T7. Mithril Dagger
T7. Royal Blades
T7. Hunter's Longbow
T7. Redwood Bow
T7. Morning Star of Mystic Light
T7. Wand of Arcane Flame
T7. Spellblade of Decimation
T7. Staff of Destruction
T7. Buster Katana
T7. Cloudstrike Tachi
T8. Champion's Flail
T8. Ravenheart Sword
T8. Blazing Blades
T8. Fire Dagger
T8. Gilded Longbow
T8. Golden Bow
T8. Morning Star of Silent Mourning
T8. Wand of Death
T8. Spellblade of Nightmares
T8. Staff of Horror
T8. Demon Edge
T8. Devilbane Tachi
T9. Dragonsoul Sword
T9. Drakerider's Flail
T9. Garnet Blades
T9. Ragetalon Dagger
T9. Emerald Longbow
T9. Verdant Bow
T9. Morning Star of Hidden Secrets
T9. Wand of Deep Sorcery
T9. Spellblade of Arcane Magic
T9. Staff of Necrotic Arcana
T9. Darksteel Tachi
T9. Jewel Eye Katana
T10. Archon Sword
T10. Infernal Flail
T10. Emeraldshard Dagger
T10. Verdant Blades
T10. Bow of Fey Magic
T10. Mystic Longbow
T10. Morning Star of the Night
T10. Wand of Shadow
T10. Spellblade of Corrupt Premonitions
T10. Staff of Diabolic Secrets
T10. Dragonbone Tachi
T10. Ichimonji
T11. Mithril Flail
T11. Skysplitter Sword
T11. Agateclaw Dagger
T11. Occult Blades
T11. Bow of Innocent Blood
T11. Crimson Longbow
T11. Morning Star of Harrowing Memories
T11. Wand of Ancient Warning
T11. Spellblade of Starry Insight
T11. Staff of Astral Knowledge
T11. Accursed Tachi
T11. Muramasa
T12. Celebrant Flail
T12. Sword of Acclaim
T12. Bloodshed Blades
T12. Dagger of Foul Malevolence
T12. Bow of Covert Havens
T12. Longbow of the Endless Sky
T12. Morning Star of Repentance
T12. Wand of Recompense
T12. Spellblade of the Sun
T12. Staff of the Cosmic Whole
T12. Masamune
T12. Skyslash Tachi
T13. Divine Flail
T13. Sword of Splendor
T13. Dagger of Sinister Deeds
T13. Moonstone Blades
T13. Bow of Mystical Energy
T13. Longbow of the Morning Spirit
T13. Morning Star of Conjuration
T13. Wand of Evocation
T13. Spellblade of the Heavens Light
T13. Staff of the Vital Unity
T13. Sadamune
T13. Sunset Tachi
T14. Gravelord's Flail
T14. Sword of Majesty
T14. Dagger of Dire Hatred
T14. Soulforged Blades
T14. Bow of Deep Enchantment
T14. Longbow of the Midnight Diamond
T14. Morning Star of Reckoning
T14. Wand of Retribution
T14. Spellblade of the Everlasting Death
T14. Staff of the Fundamental Core
T14. Godslayer Tachi
T14. Kusanagi
UT. Shiny 4
UT. Acidic Slasher
UT. Ancient Stone Sword
UT. Ancient Stone Sword Shiny
UT. Apocalypse Feather
UT. Arcane Rapier
UT. Aspirant's Sword
UT. Atavistic Soul Sabre
UT. Barnacle Basher
UT. Cheerful Chipper
UT. Cheerful Chipper Shiny
UT. Crystal Sword
UT. Crystal Sword Shiny
ST. Dalvar's Battle Axe
UT. Damnation
UT. Def Test Sword
UT. Demon Blade
UT. Demon Blade Shiny
UT. Divinity
UT. Divinity Shiny
UT. Doctor Swordsworth
UT. Egg Basher
UT. Enchanted Ice Blade
ST. Eternal Graved Great Sword
UT. Faithful Spatha
ST. Fallen One's Blade
UT. Frostbite
ST. Fury Flail
UT. Gaseous Glaive
UT. Gilded Chain Scythe
UT. Hammer Sword
ST. Heartsteel Claymore
ST. Hellfire Broadsword
UT. Henchman's Claymore
UT. Hero's Flail
UT. Hero's Sword
ST. Indomptable
ST. Jagged Hatchet
UT. Keychain Cutlass
UT. Khopesh
UT. Lament of the Frozen Prisoner
ST. Legacy Pixie-Enchanted Sword
UT. Lion Tamer
UT. Lovestruck Yoyo
UT. MMace MMurderer
ST. Oryx's Greatsword
UT. Pirate King's Cutlass
UT. Pirate King's Cutlass Shiny
UT. Pirate's Artillery
ST. Pixie-Enchanted Sword
UT. Saint Nicolas' Blade
ST. Savage Claws
UT. Seismic Flail
UT. Silex's Hammer
UT. Skull-splitter Sword
UT. Spooky Smasher
ST. Swashbuckler's Sickle
UT. Sword of Illumination
UT. Sword of the Colossus
UT. Sword of the Colossus
UT. Sword of the Colossus Shiny
ST. Sword of the Mad God
UT. Sword of the Rainbow's End
UT. Sword of the Unending Chaos
UT. Unstable Anomaly
UT. Vinesword
UT. An Icicle
ST. Archangel's Judgement
UT. Aspirant's Dagger
UT. Avarice
UT. Avarice Shiny
ST. Blade of Fates
UT. Bone Dagger
UT. Boomerang Blades
UT. Bounty Hunter's Dagger
ST. Carved Golem Remains
UT. Chain Dagger
UT. Chicken Leg of Doom
UT. Corrosion Cutter
UT. Corruption Cutter
UT. Corruption Cutter Shiny
UT. Crescent Dagger
UT. Dagger of Eternal Chaos
UT. Dagger of the Amethyst Prism
UT. Dagger of the Hasteful Rabbit
UT. Dagger of the Terrible Talon
UT. Def Test Dagger
UT. Dirk of Cronus
UT. Dirk of Cronus Shiny
UT. Dueling Daggers
UT. Dueling Daggers Shiny
ST. Etherite Dagger
UT. Evergreen Dagger
UT. Evergreen Dagger Shiny
UT. Fractal Blades
UT. Fractal Blades Shiny
UT. Frost Lich's Finger
UT. Frostbite Blades
UT. Hatchling Blades
UT. Heart Jewel Blades
UT. Heartfind Dagger
UT. Hero's Blades
UT. Hero's Dagger
ST. Legacy Etherite Dagger
ST. Maize Machete
UT. Mischief
UT. Mister Mango
UT. Needlessly Large Spoon
UT. Phantasm Dirk
UT. Pirate's Sidearms
UT. Poison Fang Dagger
UT. Prismatic Slasher
UT. Queen's Stinger
UT. Reliable Pugio
ST. Soulcursed Scythe
UT. Spatula Dagger
UT. Spirit Dagger
UT. Spirit Dagger Shiny
UT. Sunshine Shiv
ST. Symbiotic Ripper
UT. The Right Hook
UT. The Right Hook Shiny
UT. Throwing Knives
ST. Toxic Toad
ST. Toxin Tooth
UT. Toy Knife
UT. Shiny 2
UT. Anteros Longbow
UT. Arctic Bow
UT. Aspirant's Bow
UT. B.O.W.
ST. Bergenia Bow
UT. Blazon Bow
UT. Blazon Bow Shiny
UT. Blue Falcon
ST. Bolt Thrower
ST. Bone Bow
UT. Bow of Eternal Frost
UT. Bow of Nightmares
UT. Bow of the Morning Star
UT. Bow of the Sky's Glory
UT. Bow of the Void
UT. Bow of the Void Shiny
UT. Bramble Bow
ST. Brilliance Bow
UT. Butter Bow
UT. Celestial Recurve
UT. Clockwork Repeater
UT. Clover Bow
UT. Coral Bow
UT. Coral Bow Shiny
UT. Cupid's Bow
ST. Deathless Crossbow
UT. Doom Bow
UT. Doom Bow Shiny
ST. Electric Guitar
ST. Experimental Cannon
UT. Frangible Longbow
UT. Garland Bow
UT. Garland Bow Shiny
ST. Hailstorm
UT. Hama Yumi
ST. Harmonious Harp
UT. Harpoon Longbow
ST. Heartstruck Bow
UT. Hero's Bow
UT. Hero's Longbow
UT. Icicle Launcher
UT. Ignis
UT. Leaf Bow
UT. Leaf Bow Shiny
UT. Longbow of Spirits and Shadows
UT. Longbow of the Great Glacier
UT. Makakoyumi
UT. Makakoyumi 2
UT. Nail Gun Bow
ST. Nectar Crossfire
UT. Precisely Calibrated Stringstick
UT. Predator Bow
ST. Resplendent Bow
UT. Ringmaster's Bow
UT. Robobow
UT. Shard Launcher
ST. Silver Revolvers
UT. Sun's Judgement
UT. Sunny Side Bow
UT. Tectonus
UT. Thousand Shot
UT. Transdimensional Bow
UT. Warmonger
UT. Warmonger (Rehearsal)
UT. Warmonger Shiny
UT. Ethereal Happi
UT. Sage's Wakibiki
ST. Abomination's Wrath
UT. Acidic Aspergillum
UT. Aspirant's Wand
UT. Beekeeper's Flamethrower
UT. Beekeeper's Flamethrower Shiny
UT. Brass Chamberstick
UT. Brass Chamberstick Shiny
ST. C.L.A.W.
UT. Caduceus of Current Craziness
ST. Cane of Caduceus
UT. Carnival's Conjurer
UT. Chocolate Ovipositor
UT. Conducting Wand
UT. Conducting Wand Shiny
UT. Crystal Wand
UT. Deliverance
UT. Dusky Catalyst
UT. Dusky Catalyst (Rehearsal)
UT. Dusky Catalyst Shiny
ST. Earthen Ward
UT. Eternal Snowflake Wand
UT. Fortitude
UT. Frozen Wand
ST. Heartbreaker Wand
UT. Hero's Wand
ST. Holy Artifact
UT. Laser Pointer
UT. Laser Pointer Shiny
UT. Lethargic Sentience
ST. Lightning Wand
UT. Lumiaire
UT. Lumiaire Shiny
ST. Magic Wand
UT. Measuring Wand
UT. Morning Star Of Sweet Miracles
UT. Morning Star of the Hero
UT. Obsidian Macuahuitl
UT. Present Dispensing Wand
UT. Rainbow Rod
UT. Rod of Radiance
UT. Snowblind Wand
UT. Soul's Guidance
UT. Soul's Guidance Shiny
UT. Spicy Wand of Spice
UT. Sprite Wand
UT. St. Abraham's Wand
UT. Temporal Wand
UT. The North Star
ST. Theurgy Wand
ST. Tormented Shriek
UT. Tyrant's Wand
UT. Wand of Ancient Terror
UT. Wand of Budding Romance
UT. Wand of Egg-cellence
ST. Wand of Geb
UT. Wand of the Bulwark
UT. Wand of the Fallen
UT. Wand of the Fallen Shiny
UT. Wand of the Summoned One
UT. Warlord Wand
UT. Winter's Breath Wand
UT. Kagenohikari
UT. Flowering Kimono
UT. Shiny 3
UT. Anatis Staff
UT. Aspirant's Staff
UT. Barely Attuned Magic Thingy
UT. Bogwood Crook
UT. Bogwood Crook Shiny
UT. Caramel Spellblade
UT. Comet of Calamity
ST. Corruption Tether
UT. Crystallized Worm Spellblade
ST. Cursed Harpoon
UT. Deathmask Staff
UT. Dreamcaster
ST. Edictum Praetoris
UT. Ferryman's Scythe
UT. Ferryman's Scythe 2
UT. Foramite Staff
UT. Foramite Staff Shiny
UT. Frosty's Walking Stick
ST. Gravekeeper's Scythe
UT. Hero's Spellblade
UT. Hero's Staff
UT. Hovering Spellblade
UT. Jailer's Scythe
UT. K.I.D.D. Force
UT. KoalaPOW
ST. Legacy Sentient Staff
UT. Love Heart Spellblade
UT. Mechanical Kogbold Limb
ST. Nebular Rod
UT. Oppressor's Staff
ST. Rocket Launcher
UT. Royal Sekhem
UT. S.T.A.F.F.
UT. S.T.A.F.F.
UT. Screwdriver Staff
ST. Shaman's Staff
UT. Sleigh Bell Staff
UT. Sleigh Bell Staff Shiny
UT. Snowblind Spellblade
UT. Spirit Staff
ST. Squaroid Staff
UT. Staff of Adoration
ST. Staff of Eruption
UT. Staff of Esben
UT. Staff of Extreme Prejudice
UT. Staff of Extreme Prejudice Shiny
UT. Staff of Horrific Knowledge
UT. Staff of Iceblast
UT. Staff of Silver Wings
UT. Staff of the Crystal Serpent
UT. Staff of the Crystal Serpent Shiny
UT. Staff of the Eclipse
UT. Staff of the Rising Sun
UT. Staff of the Saint
UT. Staff of Unholy Sacrifice
UT. Staff of Yuletide Carols
UT. Steam Pipe
ST. Stygian Torch
UT. Superior
UT. Superior Shiny
ST. Supernatural Staff
UT. Tezcacoatl's Tail
UT. Tezcacoatl's Tail Shiny
ST. The Phylactery
ST. Tideturner Trident
UT. Torrential Staff
UT. Vigor
UT. Rain Maker
UT. Tezutsu Hanabi
UT. Tezutsu Hanabi 2
UT. Shiny 5
UT. Acrobat's Edge
UT. Arbiter's Wrath
UT. Aspirant's Blade
UT. Aurora Tachi
UT. Blade of Ages
UT. Blade of the Assailant
UT. Bloodbath Blade
UT. Brambletooth Tachi
UT. Bunny Ear Tachi
UT. Burial Blades
UT. Candy Katana
UT. Candy Katana Shiny
UT. Celestial Blade
UT. Celestial Blade Shiny
UT. Corrupted Cleaver
UT. Diamond-Bladed Katana
UT. Doku No Ken
UT. Doku No Ken Shiny
UT. Enforcer
UT. Enforcer Shiny
ST. Fiery Katana
UT. Fire Blade
UT. Fire Blade Shiny
UT. Hero's Katana
UT. Hero's Tachi
UT. Hookblade Tachi
ST. Iceborn Arsenal
UT. Jewel Eye Katana Shiny
UT. Katana of Good Fortune
ST. Kazekiri
ST. Kiritsukeru
UT. Krathana
UT. Legions Odachi
UT. Moonbeam Blade
ST. Quartz Cutter
UT. Ray Katana
UT. Ray Katana Shiny
ST. Reikoku
UT. Ritual Khopesh
ST. Saif of the Deep
UT. Salju
UT. Sawblade Katana
ST. Shakujo
UT. Shining Blade
UT. Skybound Blade
UT. Socket Blade
UT. Sweetheart Taichi
ST. Thunder Mallet
UT. Tools of the Tarnished
UT. Useless Katana
UT. Valor
UT. Valor (Rehearsal)
UT. Void Blade
UT. Void Blade Shiny
UT. Yuki
UT. Taiko Drums
UT. Elegant Parasol