Search » Ring Items
T0. Ring of Minor Defense
T1. Ring of Attack
T1. Ring of Defense
T1. Ring of Dexterity
T1. Ring of Health
T1. Ring of Magic
T1. Ring of Speed
T1. Ring of Vitality
T1. Ring of Wisdom
T2. Ring of Greater Attack
T2. Ring of Greater Defense
T2. Ring of Greater Dexterity
T2. Ring of Greater Health
T2. Ring of Greater Magic
T2. Ring of Greater Speed
T2. Ring of Greater Vitality
T2. Ring of Greater Wisdom
T3. Ring of Superior Attack
T3. Ring of Superior Defense
T3. Ring of Superior Dexterity
T3. Ring of Superior Health
T3. Ring of Superior Magic
T3. Ring of Superior Speed
T3. Ring of Superior Vitality
T3. Ring of Superior Wisdom
T4. Ring of Paramount Attack
T4. Ring of Paramount Defense
T4. Ring of Paramount Dexterity
T4. Ring of Paramount Health
T4. Ring of Paramount Magic
T4. Ring of Paramount Speed
T4. Ring of Paramount Vitality
T4. Ring of Paramount Wisdom
T5. Ring of Exalted Attack
T5. Ring of Exalted Defense
T5. Ring of Exalted Dexterity
T5. Ring of Exalted Health
T5. Ring of Exalted Magic
T5. Ring of Exalted Speed
T5. Ring of Exalted Vitality
T5. Ring of Exalted Wisdom
T6. Bulwark's Ring of Unbound Health
T6. Duellist's Ring of Unbound Dexterity
T6. Killer’s Ring of Unbound Attack
T6. Ring of Unbound Attack
T6. Ring of Unbound Defense
T6. Ring of Unbound Dexterity
T6. Ring of Unbound Health
T6. Ring of Unbound Magic
T6. Ring of Unbound Speed
T6. Ring of Unbound Vitality
T6. Ring of Unbound Wisdom
T6. Scout's Ring of Unbound Attack
T6. Scout's Ring of Unbound Speed
T7. Ring of Transcendent Attack
T7. Ring of Transcendent Defense
T7. Ring of Transcendent Dexterity
T7. Ring of Transcendent Health
T7. Ring of Transcendent Magic
T7. Ring of Transcendent Speed
T7. Ring of Transcendent Vitality
T7. Ring of Transcendent Wisdom
UT. Shiny
UT. Abyssal Trophy
UT. Adventurer's Scarf
ST. Akuma's Tear
UT. Alchemist Dart Proc
UT. Alchemist Dart Proc 2
ST. Alexander's Band
ST. Alien Core Corrosion
ST. Alien Core Dark Matter
ST. Alien Core Power
ST. Alien Core Warp
ST. Almandine Ring of Wrath
UT. America Ring
UT. Amulet of Desecration
UT. Amulet of Dispersion
ST. Amulet of Drakefyre
UT. Amulet of Elemental Air
UT. Amulet of Elemental Earth
UT. Amulet of Elemental Fire
UT. Amulet of Elemental Water
UT. Amulet of Lightning
UT. Amulet of Restoration
UT. Amulet of the Great Shaman
ST. Antinomy Artifact
ST. Aquamarine Amulet
ST. Augur of the Tempest
ST. Autarch Amulet
UT. Basic Fishing Rod
UT. Battalion Banner
UT. Battalion Banner Shiny
UT. Bloodshed Ring
ST. Bloodstone Ring
ST. Bolt in a Bottle
UT. Bracer of the Guardian
UT. Bracer of the Guardian (Rehearsal)
ST. Brass Knuckles
UT. Brewer's Bangle
UT. Bronze Medal
ST. Burlap Hat
ST. C.O.N.T.R.O.L.L.E.R.
UT. Candy Ring
UT. Candy Ring Shiny
UT. Captain's Ring
UT. Chancellor's Cranium
UT. Chancellor's Cranium Shiny
UT. Chef's Hat
UT. Chrysalis of Eternity
UT. Chrysalis of Eternity 2
ST. Chrysanthemum Corsage
ST. Collarbone Collar
UT. Collector's Monocle
UT. Collector's Monocle Shiny
UT. Coral Ring
UT. Corsair Ring
UT. Crown
UT. Crucible Archer Ring
UT. Crucible Magic Ring
UT. Crucible Melee Ring
UT. Crucible Tank Ring
UT. Crystal Bone Ring
UT. Crystal Bone Ring Shiny
UT. Crystal Key
UT. Crystallised Mist
ST. Cuband
ST. Defiled Equilibrium
ST. Devil Horn Headband
UT. Divine Coronation
UT. Divine Coronation Shiny
ST. Diving Weights
UT. E.Y.E.
UT. E.Y.E.
UT. Elemental Equilibrium
ST. Ember of the Daeva
ST. Ember of the Void
UT. Emblem of the Empire
UT. Enchanted Ice Shard
ST. Entropy Reactor
UT. Esben's Wedding Ring
UT. Exalted God's Horn
UT. Exalted God's Horn Shiny
UT. Experimental Ring
UT. Experimental Ring Shiny
UT. Expert Fishing Rod
ST. Eye of Divination
ST. Eye of the Void
UT. Faded Heart Scarab
UT. Fairy Ring
ST. Fang Necklace
ST. Firelight Necklace
ST. First Mate's Hook
ST. Flames of Genesis
ST. Foreman's Hard Hat
UT. Fractured Hannya
UT. Frimarra
ST. Frozen Heart
UT. Geb's Lost Hedjet
ST. Geb's Ring of Wisdom
UT. Gem of Adoration
UT. Gem of Tenderness
ST. Gjallarhorn
UT. Gold Medal
ST. Gothic Bouffant
ST. Grim Goblet
ST. Headless Ted
ST. Heavenly Halo
ST. Heavenly Magatama
UT. His Majesty's Eminence
ST. Hivemind Circlet
ST. Honey Circlet
ST. Horned Ring
ST. Horrific Claws
UT. HTT Eye Proc
UT. Ice Crown
ST. Imperial Keepsake
UT. Intermediate Fishing Rod
ST. Interregnum
UT. Jade Beetle
ST. Jewel of Vengeance
ST. Laborer's Hard Hat
ST. Legacy Forgotten Ring
ST. Legacy Ring of Pure Wishes
ST. Legacy Spectral Ring of Horrors
ST. Legacy's Pendant
UT. Legendary Fishing Rod
ST. Loaded Core
UT. Locked Reactor
ST. Lucky Grenade
UT. Magical Lodestone
ST. Mala Beads
UT. Mask of Anubis
UT. Mask of Cnidaria
UT. Mask of Lightning
UT. Mask of Mucus
UT. Master Fishing Rod
UT. Master Fishing Rod Shiny
ST. Mayhem Medallion
ST. Moonstone Ring
UT. MotMG Quiver Proc 1
UT. MotMG Quiver Proc 2
UT. MotMG Quiver Proc 3
UT. MotMG Quiver Proc 4
UT. Ninja Katana Proc Ability 1 Armor
UT. Ninja Katana Proc Ability 1 Armor Ring
UT. Ninja Katana Proc Ability 1 Base
UT. Ninja Katana Proc Ability 1 Base Ring
UT. Ninja Katana Proc Ability 1 Full Set
UT. Ninja Katana Proc Ability 1 Full Set Ring
UT. Ninja Katana Proc Ability 2 Armor
UT. Ninja Katana Proc Ability 2 Armor Ring
UT. Ninja Katana Proc Ability 2 Base
UT. Ninja Katana Proc Ability 2 Base Ring
UT. Ninja Katana Proc Ability 2 Full Set
UT. Ninja Katana Proc Ability 2 Full Set Ring
ST. Omamori
ST. Omamori 2
ST. Omni-Impotence Ring
UT. Omnipotence Ring
ST. Operator's Hard Hat
ST. Ornaments of Unity
UT. Oryxmas Ornament Energized
UT. Oryxmas Ornament Exposed
UT. Oryxmas Ornament Weak
UT. Overclocking Amulet
ST. Performer's Hat
ST. Pernicious Peridot
ST. Phantom Pendant
ST. Plague Mask
ST. Plague Mask 2
ST. Pointy Tail
ST. Pontifex Ring
ST. Protective Gloves
ST. Radiant Heart
ST. Regal Ring
ST. Revenant Ring
UT. Ring of Decades
UT. Ring of Decades Shiny
UT. Ring of Divine Faith
ST. Ring of Pagan Favor
ST. Ring of Pure Wishes
UT. Ring of Skeletal Specters
UT. Ring of Skeletal Specters Shiny
UT. Ring of the Burning Sun
ST. Ring of the Covetous Heart
ST. Ring of the Inferno
ST. Ring of the Magus
UT. Ring of the Nile
UT. Ring of the Northern Light
UT. Ring of the Pyramid
ST. Ring of the Sniper
UT. Ring of the Sphinx
ST. Ring of the Stalwart
ST. Ring of the Swiftblade
ST. Ring of Unbound Love
ST. Ring of Wrath
UT. Rusted Mechanism
ST. Rusty Cuffs
ST. Ruthven's Rosary
UT. Silver Medal
UT. Slotted The Forgotten Ring
UT. Snake Eye Ring
UT. Snake Eye Ring Shiny
ST. Soul Gem Amulet
UT. Soulful Affection
UT. Sourcestone
UT. SpecPen OA Shot 1
UT. SpecPen OA Shot 2
UT. SpecPen Quiver Shot
ST. Spectral Ring of Horrors
UT. Spider's Eye Ring
ST. Steadfast Glyph
UT. Sunken Fire Opal Ring
UT. Sunken Ring
ST. Targeting Monocular
UT. The Forgotten Crown
UT. The Forgotten Crown (Rehearsal)
UT. The Forgotten Ring
UT. The Golden Forgotten Crown
UT. The Twilight Gemstone
UT. The Twilight Gemstone (Rehearsal)
UT. The Twilight Gemstone Shiny
UT. Thistleleaf Necklace
ST. Tiara of Eggscellent Sturdiness
UT. Token of Happiness
UT. Token of Warmth
ST. Traveler's Trinket
ST. Unresolved Grudge
UT. Vanguard's Visage Proc
UT. Vanguard's Visage Proc (Rehearsal)
ST. Vial of Sustenance
ST. Witch's Brooch
UT. Jewel of Vengeance Proc A
UT. Jewel of Vengeance Proc B
UT. Jewel of Vengeance Proc C