» ST. Lucky Grenade

This grenade was launched from a firework and failed to explode. It will release deadly sparks when shaken violently enough, but until then it serves as a potent good-luck charm.
High Explosive:
When placing an Unstable Firework, releases a cone of bullets towards the mouse pointer.
Bullets deal 150-175 damage. 1 second cooldown.
On Equip:
+5 DEX
+75 Max HP
XP Bonus: 4%

Kogbold Pyrotechnician Wizard Set

All Available Information
DisplayId: Lucky Grenade
Class: Equipment
PowerLevel: 52
SlotType: Ring
          Description: When placing an Unstable Firework, releases a cone of bullets towards the mouse pointer.
          Name: High Explosive
          Description: Bullets deal 150-175 damage. 1 second cooldown.
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Amount: 5
     Stat: DEX
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Amount: 75
     Stat: MAXHP
OnPlayerAbilityActivate: BulletCreate
     Type: 0xc685
     MustWear: 0xc682
     ArcGap: 15
     MinDistance: 2
     MaxDistance: 2
     GapAngle: 0
     GapTiles: 0
     NumShots: 8
     OffsetAngle: 0
     Proc: 1
     Cooldown: 1
     IgnoreOnTooltip: true
     TargetMouse: true
BagType: Orange Bag
FeedPower: 750
XPBonus: 4