» ST. Ring of the Magus

A sigil ring with a carved gemstone signifying the wearer's dedication to the Path of the Magus. An aspiring hero who wears this ring will shape magic to their will and unleash an arcane torrent upon any that oppose them.
Aspirant's Set:
This item can be further improved by inscribing it with an engraving from the Path of the Magus.
On Equip:
+60 Max HP
+120 Max MP
+6 WIS
XP Bonus: 7%

Path of the Magus

All Available Information
Class: Equipment
PowerLevel: 66
SlotType: Ring
          Description: This item can be further improved by inscribing it with an engraving from the Path of the Magus.
          Name: Aspirant's Set
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Stat: MAXHP
     Amount: 60
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Stat: MAXMP
     Amount: 120
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Stat: WIS
     Amount: 6
BagType: White Bag
FeedPower: 300
XPBonus: 7
     MaxNumber: 1
     SlotChance: 1
     Default: 1
     DropMin: 1
     DropMax: 1
     UtPrefixLocked: true
     PurchaseDust: purpleDust
     PurchaseCost: 0