» UT. Esben's Wedding Ring

A memento of a life long gone. You can still feel the warmth from years past through the frigid ice that has taken over.
On Equip:
+60 Max HP
+60 Max MP
+10 ATT
-5 DEF
XP Bonus: 6%

All Available Information
Class: Equipment
PowerLevel: 50
SlotType: Ring
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Stat: MAXHP
     Amount: 60
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Stat: MAXMP
     Amount: 60
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Stat: ATT
     Amount: 10
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Stat: DEF
     Amount: -5
BagType: White Bag
FeedPower: 800
XPBonus: 6