» ST. Omamori 2

A paper amulet dedicated to the deities. It is said to bring luck and protection to its holder.
Divine Strike:
Invocation Scroll creates an additional 2 shots if used with the Shakujo
These shots deal 25% more damage, but are not armor piercing
On Equip:
+50 Max HP
+50 Max MP
+5 DEX
XP Bonus: 4%

Onmyoji Ninja Set

All Available Information
DisplayId: Omamori
Class: Equipment
PowerLevel: 52
SlotType: Ring
          Name: Divine Strike
          Description: Invocation Scroll creates an additional 2 shots if used with the Shakujo
          Description: These shots deal 25% more damage, but are not armor piercing
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Stat: MAXHP
     Amount: 50
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Stat: MAXMP
     Amount: 50
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Stat: DEX
     Amount: 5
BagType: Orange Bag
FeedPower: 550
XPBonus: 4