» UT. Chaotic Scripture
The sacred writings of Leucoryx and his disciples, compiled as a tribute to Oryx to lend false credence to the teachings of his twisted followers.
On Ability Activate:
Summons a Chaos Beam on your cursor, striking instantly for 1800-2200 armor piercing damage in a 2.5 square radius.
On Equip:
+6 VIT
+60 Max HP
MP Cost: 150
XP Bonus: 8%
The sacred writings of Leucoryx and his disciples, compiled as a tribute to Oryx to lend false credence to the teachings of his twisted followers.
On Ability Activate:
Summons a Chaos Beam on your cursor, striking instantly for 1800-2200 armor piercing damage in a 2.5 square radius.
On Equip:
+6 VIT
+60 Max HP
MP Cost: 150
XP Bonus: 8%
All Available Information
Class: Equipment
SlotType: Tome
Name: On Ability Activate
Description: Summons a Chaos Beam on your cursor, striking instantly for 1800-2200 armor piercing damage in a 2.5 square radius.
Sound: spell/major_heal
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
Stat: VIT
Amount: 6
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
Amount: 60
Activate: ObjectToss
ObjectId: Chaotic Scripture Effect
ThrowTime: 0
Activate: HealNova
Range: 6.5
Amount: 100
WisMin: 50
WisHealBase: 30
SplitHealing: true
BagType: White Bag
MpCost: 150
FeedPower: 1300
XPBonus: 8