» Paladin

All Available Information
Class: Player
HitSound: player/paladin_hit
DeathSound: player/paladin_death
BloodProb: 1.0
SlotTypes: Sword, Seal, Plate, Ring, All, All, All, All, All, All, All, All, All, All, All, All, All, All, All, All, All, All, All, All, All, All, All, All
Equipment: Short Sword, Seal of the Initiate, Empty, Empty, Health Potion, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty
MaxHitPoints: 200
     Max: 770
MaxMagicPoints: 100
     Max: 252
Attack: 16
     Max: 55
Defense: 1
     Max: 30
Speed: 22
     Max: 55
Dexterity: 18
     Max: 55
HpRegen: 23
     Max: 60
MpRegen: 17
     Max: 75
LevelIncrease: MaxHitPoints
     Min: 25
     Max: 25
LevelIncrease: MaxMagicPoints
     Min: 5
     Max: 5
LevelIncrease: Attack
     Min: 1
     Max: 1
LevelIncrease: Defense
     Min: 0
     Max: 1
LevelIncrease: Speed
     Min: 1
     Max: 1
LevelIncrease: Dexterity
     Min: 1
     Max: 1
LevelIncrease: HpRegen
     Min: 1
     Max: 1
LevelIncrease: MpRegen
     Min: 2
     Max: 2
UnlockLevel: Knight
     Level: 20
     Type: 0x031e
UnlockLevel: Priest
     Level: 20
     Type: 0x0310
UnlockCost: 499

Wearable Sword Items

Wearable Seal Items

Wearable Plate Items

Wearable Ring Items