» UT. Shatters A20

As the nameless monarch sat malcontent upon the throne, his ambitions and impiety became one, and with this came enlightenment. A legacy reduced to less than legend, utterly erased from the nescient minds of the land, with its only epitaph being the sorry remnant of his majesty's dearest. After all, what good are kings in a realm of gods?
On Equip:
+7 DEX
+7 ATT
+120 Max HP
XP Bonus: 9%
Original Name: Chrysalis of Eternity

All Available Information
Class: Equipment
DisplayId: Chrysalis of Eternity
SlotType: Ring
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Stat: DEX
     Amount: 7
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Stat: ATT
     Amount: 7
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Stat: MAXHP
     Amount: 120
BagType: White Bag
FeedPower: 1500
XPBonus: 9