» UT. Orb of Conquest


Oryx's sentries use these cursed orbs as their watchful eyes, maintaining and enforcing the Mad God's constant rule across the realm.
Beacon of Blight:
Constructs a beacon that damages and curses enemies in three bursts.
Beacon Duration:
2 seconds
First Explosion:
Curses for 1 seconds and inflicts 400 damage within 5 squares
Second Explosion:
Curses for 3 seconds and inflicts 500 damage within 4 squares
Third Explosion:
Curses for 5 seconds and inflicts 600 damage within 3 squares
Conquerer's Energy:
Increase your attack by 10 for 5 seconds.
Energy Cooldown:
30 seconds
Cooldown: 2 seconds
On Equip:
+4 ATT
+4 DEX
MP Cost: 120
XP Bonus: 7%

All Available Information
DisplayId: Orb of Conquest
Class: Equipment
SlotType: Orb
          Description: Constructs a beacon that damages and curses enemies in three bursts.
          Name: Beacon of Blight
          Description: 2 seconds
          Name: Beacon Duration
          Description: Curses for 1 seconds and inflicts 400 damage within 5 squares
          Name: First Explosion
          Description: Curses for 3 seconds and inflicts 500 damage within 4 squares
          Name: Second Explosion
          Description: Curses for 5 seconds and inflicts 600 damage within 3 squares
          Name: Third Explosion
          Description: Increase your attack by 10 for 5 seconds.
          Name: Conquerer's Energy
          Description: 30 seconds
          Name: Energy Cooldown
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Amount: 4
     Stat: ATT
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Amount: 4
     Stat: DEX
BagType: White Bag
MpCost: 120
Activate: ObjectToss
     ObjectId: AoO Beacon Of Blight
     ThrowTime: 0
OnPlayerAbilityActivate: StatBoostSelf
     Proc: 1
     Cooldown: 30
     Amount: 10
     Duration: 5
     Stat: ATT
     MustNotWear: 0x4e05
     Channel: noStackItm
Cooldown: 2
FeedPower: 700
XPBonus: 7
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