» Demon Mistress Pet Skin

Being a demon has its struggles, the urges and desires not to feast until the bitter end of a heroes journey but for her its worth waiting, that's when they're most tasty. You'll have a good time throughout your adventures and in exchange for her constant affection she gets a good feast out of you in your final moments... Sounds like a good deal!

Sprite Credits: Coomi

Unlocks Demon Mistress Skin of the Humanoid family. The skin will be added to your Pet Wardrobe in the Pet Yard and can be used to change the appearance of your pet!

Consumed with use

All Available Information
DisplayId: Demon Mistress Pet Skin
Class: Equipment
ItemTier: 4
ScaleValue: 10
SlotType: Potion
Credits: Coomi
Activate: UnlockPetSkin
     SkinType: 30995
BagType: Golden Bag
FeedPower: 1000