» UT. Beehemoth Armor 3
Chitin armor fashioned from the exoskeleton of a blue Beehemoth. Ultra-light and extremely flexible, yet surprisingly tough.
On Equip:
+17 DEF
+5 SPD
XP Bonus: 6%
On Equip:
+17 DEF
+5 SPD
XP Bonus: 6%
All Available Information
Class: Equipment
PowerLevel: 61
DisplayId: Beehemoth Armor
SlotType: Leather
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
Stat: DEF
Amount: 17
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
Stat: SPD
Amount: 5
BagType: Cyan Bag
FeedPower: 650
XPBonus: 6
MaxNumber: 1
SlotChance: 1
Default: 1
DropMin: 1
DropMax: 1
UtPrefixLocked: true
PurchaseDust: purpleDust
PurchaseCost: 1750