» UT. Big Bad Fursuit 4


Warrior, Knight, Paladin, Samurai, Kensei
This costume is rather itchy and reeks of a strange glue-like scent, but it's par for the course for dressing as the furry Warrior.
Halloween Costume:
On ability use, dress up as B.B. Wolf Warrior for 60 seconds!
Secret Power:
On ability use, consume 1/4th of your candy-filled meter to activate a secret power!
Heart of the Beast:
Gain +8 ATT for 60 seconds and send 12 claw attacks for 250-350 damage.
Secret Power Cooldown:
180 seconds
On Equip:
+20 Max HP
+16 DEF
+8 ATT
+4 SPD
XP Bonus: 6%

All Available Information
DisplayId: Big Bad Fursuit
Class: Equipment
PowerLevel: 83
SlotType: Plate
          Name: Halloween Costume
          Description: On ability use, dress up as B.B. Wolf Warrior for 60 seconds!
          Name: Secret Power
          Description: On ability use, consume 1/4th of your candy-filled meter to activate a secret power!
          Name: Heart of the Beast
          Description: Gain +8 ATT for 60 seconds and send 12 claw attacks for 250-350 damage.
          Name: Secret Power Cooldown
          Description: 180 seconds
OnPlayerAbilityActivate: BulletCreate
     IdMeter: 0
     MinimumMeter: 1500
     Proc: 1
     Cooldown: 180
     TargetMouse: true
     MinDistance: 7.5
     MaxDistance: 7.5
     OffsetAngle: 0
     NumShots: 4
     GapAngle: 0
     GapTiles: 0.1
     ArcGap: 20
     Type: 0xF04
OnPlayerAbilityActivate: BulletCreate
     IdMeter: 0
     MinimumMeter: 1500
     Proc: 1
     Cooldown: 180
     TargetMouse: true
     MinDistance: 7.5
     MaxDistance: 7.5
     OffsetAngle: 0
     NumShots: 4
     GapAngle: 0
     GapTiles: 0.1
     ArcGap: 30
     Type: 0xF05
OnPlayerAbilityActivate: BulletCreate
     IdMeter: 0
     MinimumMeter: 1500
     Proc: 1
     Cooldown: 180
     TargetMouse: true
     MinDistance: 7.5
     MaxDistance: 7.5
     OffsetAngle: 0
     NumShots: 4
     GapAngle: 0
     GapTiles: 0.1
     ArcGap: 40
     Type: 0xF06
OnPlayerAbilityActivate: StatBoostSelf
     IdMeter: 0
     MinimumMeter: 1500
     MeterCost: 1500
     Proc: 1
     Cooldown: 180
     Stat: ATT
     Amount: 8
     Duration: 60
     Channel: noStack
OnPlayerAbilityActivate: SelfTransform
     IdMeter: 0
     Proc: 1
     Cooldown: 30
     Skin: 0x2307
     Duration: 60
OnPlayerAbilityActivate: ObjectToss
     IdMeter: 0
     Proc: 1
     Cooldown: 30
     TargetMouse: false
     ObjectId: Halloween 2024 Heavy B Helper
     ThrowTime: 0
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Stat: MAXHP
     Amount: 20
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Stat: DEF
     Amount: 16
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Stat: ATT
     Amount: 8
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Stat: SPD
     Amount: 4
     Id: 0
     MaxValue: 6000
     StartValue: 0
     ChargeString: Charge the meter by gaining EXP!
     BarColor: 0xFF0000
          MaxValue: 0.25
     BarColor: 0xFFAA00
          MaxValue: 0.50
     BarColor: 0x00FF00
          MaxValue: 0.75
     BarColor: 0x00FFAA
          MaxValue: 1.00
OnPlayerKill: FillMeter
     IdMeter: 0
     Proc: 1
     WornFlat: false
     AmountWorn: 1
     Amount: 0
OnPlayerKill: FillMeter
     IdMeter: 0
     Proc: 1
     WornFlat: false
     AmountWorn: 30
     Amount: 0
     Labels: CANDY
BagType: Orange Bag
FeedPower: 600
XPBonus: 6
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