» UT. Haori of the Wind


Rogue, Archer, Assassin, Huntress, Trickster, Ninja
These type of coats are more likely to be found at an anime convention with their shoddy quality, but it's just right for cosplaying the beautiful Ninja.
Halloween Costume:
On ability use, dress up as Wind Flower Ninja for 60 seconds!
Secret Power:
On ability use, consume 1/4th of your candy-filled meter to activate a secret power!
Bladed Blossom:
Create a sakura summon that rapidly attacks for 60-70 armor piercing damage.
Secret Power Cooldown:
180 seconds
On Equip:
+13 DEF
+9 ATT
+10 SPD
XP Bonus: 6%

All Available Information
DisplayId: Haori of the Wind
Class: Equipment
PowerLevel: 74
SlotType: Leather
          Name: Halloween Costume
          Description: On ability use, dress up as Wind Flower Ninja for 60 seconds!
          Name: Secret Power
          Description: On ability use, consume 1/4th of your candy-filled meter to activate a secret power!
          Name: Bladed Blossom
          Description: Create a sakura summon that rapidly attacks for 60-70 armor piercing damage.
          Name: Secret Power Cooldown
          Description: 180 seconds
OnPlayerAbilityActivate: SpawnCreep
     IdMeter: 0
     MinimumMeter: 1500
     MeterCost: 1500
     Proc: 1
     Cooldown: 180
     MaxSpawnDistance: 0
     ObjectId: Haori of the Wind Sakura Flower
OnPlayerAbilityActivate: SelfTransform
     IdMeter: 0
     Proc: 1
     Cooldown: 30
     Skin: 0x2acf
     Duration: 60
OnPlayerAbilityActivate: ObjectToss
     IdMeter: 0
     Proc: 1
     Cooldown: 30
     TargetMouse: false
     ObjectId: Halloween 2024 Leather B Helper
     ThrowTime: 0
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Stat: DEF
     Amount: 13
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Stat: ATT
     Amount: 9
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Stat: SPD
     Amount: 10
     Id: 0
     MaxValue: 6000
     StartValue: 0
     ChargeString: Charge the meter by gaining EXP!
     BarColor: 0xFF0000
          MaxValue: 0.25
     BarColor: 0xFFAA00
          MaxValue: 0.50
     BarColor: 0x00FF00
          MaxValue: 0.75
     BarColor: 0x00FFAA
          MaxValue: 1.00
OnPlayerKill: FillMeter
     IdMeter: 0
     Proc: 1
     WornFlat: false
     AmountWorn: 1
     Amount: 0
OnPlayerKill: FillMeter
     IdMeter: 0
     Proc: 1
     WornFlat: false
     AmountWorn: 30
     Amount: 0
     Labels: CANDY
BagType: Orange Bag
FeedPower: 600
XPBonus: 6
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