» UT. Holy Order's Habit


Wizard, Priest, Necromancer, Mystic, Sorcerer, Bard, Summoner
A proper habit would be woven in a more durable manner than this, but it works just fine for dressing up as a patient, safety-aware Priestess!
Halloween Costume:
On ability use, dress up as Nun Priest for 60 seconds!
Secret Power:
On ability use, consume 1/4th of your candy-filled meter to activate a secret power!
Cross of Respite:
Create a healing cross that restores 40 HP in 5 bursts over 7 seconds.
Magical Cross:
Restores 200 MP upon creation of the cross.
Secret Power Cooldown:
180 seconds
On Equip:
+80 Max MP
+12 DEF
+5 VIT
+10 WIS
XP Bonus: 6%

All Available Information
DisplayId: Holy Order's Habit
Class: Equipment
PowerLevel: 68
SlotType: Robe
          Name: Halloween Costume
          Description: On ability use, dress up as Nun Priest for 60 seconds!
          Name: Secret Power
          Description: On ability use, consume 1/4th of your candy-filled meter to activate a secret power!
          Name: Cross of Respite
          Description: Create a healing cross that restores 40 HP in 5 bursts over 7 seconds.
          Name: Magical Cross
          Description: Restores 200 MP upon creation of the cross.
          Name: Secret Power Cooldown
          Description: 180 seconds
OnPlayerAbilityActivate: SpawnCreep
     IdMeter: 0
     MinimumMeter: 1500
     Proc: 1
     Cooldown: 180
     MaxSpawnDistance: 0
     ObjectId: Holy Order's Habit Cross
OnPlayerAbilityActivate: Magic
     IdMeter: 0
     MinimumMeter: 1500
     MeterCost: 1500
     Proc: 1
     Cooldown: 180
     Amount: 200
OnPlayerAbilityActivate: SelfTransform
     IdMeter: 0
     Proc: 1
     Cooldown: 30
     Skin: 0x0374
     Duration: 60
OnPlayerAbilityActivate: ObjectToss
     IdMeter: 0
     Proc: 1
     Cooldown: 30
     TargetMouse: false
     ObjectId: Halloween 2024 Robe B Helper
     ThrowTime: 0
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Stat: MAXMP
     Amount: 80
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Stat: DEF
     Amount: 12
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Stat: VIT
     Amount: 5
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Stat: WIS
     Amount: 10
     Id: 0
     MaxValue: 6000
     StartValue: 0
     ChargeString: Charge the meter by gaining EXP!
     BarColor: 0xFF0000
          MaxValue: 0.25
     BarColor: 0xFFAA00
          MaxValue: 0.50
     BarColor: 0x00FF00
          MaxValue: 0.75
     BarColor: 0x00FFAA
          MaxValue: 1.00
OnPlayerKill: FillMeter
     IdMeter: 0
     Proc: 1
     WornFlat: false
     AmountWorn: 1
     Amount: 0
OnPlayerKill: FillMeter
     IdMeter: 0
     Proc: 1
     WornFlat: false
     AmountWorn: 30
     Amount: 0
     Labels: CANDY
BagType: Orange Bag
FeedPower: 600
XPBonus: 6
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