» UT. Trap of the Vile Spirit
A long lost artifact recovered by Davy Jones, believed to have been cursed by the gods of the seven seas themselves.
On Equip:
+5 ATT
+5 SPD
MP Cost: 90
XP Bonus: 8%
A long lost artifact recovered by Davy Jones, believed to have been cursed by the gods of the seven seas themselves.
On Equip:
+5 ATT
+5 SPD
MP Cost: 90
XP Bonus: 8%
All Available Information
DisplayId: Trap of the Vile Spirit
Class: Equipment
SlotType: Trap
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
Stat: ATT
Amount: 5
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
Stat: SPD
Amount: 5
BagType: White Bag
MpCost: 90
Activate: Trap
Radius: 3.0
Sensitivity: 1.0
TotalDamage: 0
Color: 5c6bb8
CondEffect: Curse
CondDuration: 2
ArmTime: 0.0
ThrowTime: 0.6
Duration: 0
ScalingStat: ATT
StatModScalingMin: 46
StatModTrapRadius: 0.0005
StatModTrapDamage: 0.0001
StatModTrapCondDuration: 0.1
BombDelay: 0.6
BombDamage: 1300
BombRadius: 2.0
BombCount: 1
BombTriggerCount: 1
BombTriggerPeriod: 2.0
BombCondEffect: Nothing
BombCondEffectDuration: 2
StatModBombRadius: 0.03125
StatModBombCount: .00067
StatModBombDamage: 16
StatModBombCondDuration: 0.1
TextureSourceId: Shiny Trap of the Vile Spirit
FeedPower: 900
XPBonus: 8