» The Wanderer's Journal Page 2
A page snatched from a journal.
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Class: Equipment
DisplayId: The Wanderer's Journal Page 2
SlotType: Potion
Sound: use_potion
Activate: ShowInfoPopup
Title: The Wanderer's Journal Page 2
Text: I have been in search of greater strength almost all my life, working towards the singular goal of enacting revenge against the Mad God.\nUnfortunately I feel myself reaching the limit of my physical power. \nIt seems to be time to explore other potential avenues, starting with my "gift".\nThis power allows me to rip open holes in our reality, creating passage from one place within the realm to another.\nThus far I have simply willed it to happen, and it did. \nI used it to travel the lands, seeking anyone willing to train me, but never have I tried to attain a deeper understanding into its limits.\nShortsighted as it may have been to miss it before, this is probably my only other option for dealing with a being that seemingly cannot die.
BagType: Purple Bag
FeedPower: 5