» ST. Symbol of the Lost 7

To whom this symbol belonged, and what it may have represented, remains a mystery. It serves as a grim reminder of the world unobserved, cloaked in the endless snow.
Summon a Frostborn Crystal for 9 seconds
Ally Effect:
Damaging within 7 sqrs
Creates a swarm of snowflakes for 100 armor piercing damage.
Cold Snap:
Deals 200 damage and inflict 2 seconds of slow to enemies within 7 sqrs every 2 seconds.
Cooldown: 4 seconds
On Equip:
+6 DEF
-5 SPD
MP Cost: 200
XP Bonus: 7%

Frost Harbinger Set

All Available Information
DisplayId: Symbol of the Lost
Class: Equipment
SlotType: Seal
          Description: Summon a Frostborn Crystal for 9 seconds
          Name: Ally Effect
          Description: Damaging within 7 sqrs
          Name: Blizzard
          Description: Creates a swarm of snowflakes for 100 armor piercing damage.
          Name: Cold Snap
          Description: Deals 200 damage and inflict 2 seconds of slow to enemies within 7 sqrs every 2 seconds.
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Stat: DEF
     Amount: 6
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Amount: -5
     Stat: SPD
Activate: Pet
     ObjectId: Ally Frostborn Crystal
OnPlayerAbilityActivate: BulletCreate
     Proc: 1
     Cooldown: 0
     MinDistance: 0.001
     MaxDistance: 0.001
     NumShots: 5
     ArcGap: 072
     GapTiles: 0
     Type: 0x67D9
OnPlayerAbilityActivate: BulletCreate
     Proc: 1
     Cooldown: 0
     MinDistance: 0.001
     MaxDistance: 0.001
     NumShots: 7
     ArcGap: 051
     GapTiles: 0
     Type: 0x67DA
OnPlayerAbilityActivate: BulletCreate
     Proc: 1
     Cooldown: 0
     MinDistance: 0.001
     MaxDistance: 0.001
     NumShots: 9
     ArcGap: 040
     GapTiles: 0
     Type: 0x67DB
OnPlayerAbilityActivate: BulletCreate
     Proc: 1
     Cooldown: 0
     MinDistance: 0.001
     MaxDistance: 0.001
     NumShots: 7
     ArcGap: 072
     GapTiles: 0
     Type: 0x67DC
OnPlayerAbilityActivate: BulletCreate
     Proc: 1
     Cooldown: 0
     MinDistance: 0.001
     MaxDistance: 0.001
     NumShots: 5
     ArcGap: 051
     GapTiles: 0
     Type: 0x67DD
OnPlayerAbilityActivate: BulletCreate
     Proc: 1
     Cooldown: 0
     MinDistance: 0.001
     MaxDistance: 0.001
     NumShots: 9
     ArcGap: 040
     GapTiles: 0
     Type: 0x67DE
MpCost: 200
Cooldown: 4.5
XPBonus: 7
BagType: Orange Bag
FeedPower: 1000
Usable by: