» UT. Motivational Megaphone

A faintly magical device used by Griefkeeper Zole to amplify his own voice throughout the Penitentiary's cell branch. Peculiarly, speaking into it warps any attempts at encouragement into toxic insults.
Long-Range Assault:
Buffs are centered on cursor instead of on user
Party Effect:
Within 4 sqrs Berserk for 4 seconds
On hitting at least 1 target:
Gain Healing for 3 seconds
On Equip:
+5 ATT
+5 VIT
MP Cost: 100
XP Bonus: 7%

All Available Information
Class: Equipment
SlotType: Lute
          Description: Buffs are centered on cursor instead of on user
          Name: Long-Range Assault
          Description: Within 4 sqrs Berserk for 4 seconds
          Name: Party Effect
          Description: Gain Healing for 3 seconds
          Name: On hitting at least 1 target
Activate: VampireBlast
     Radius: 4
     TotalDamage: 800
     IgnoreDef: 1000
     Heal: 0
     IncrRad: 0
     WisDamageBase: 300
     WisMin: 65
     HealRange: 0
     Color: 0xb60d4b 
     AllyCondEffect: Healing
     CondDuration: 3
     HitsForSelfEffect: 1
Activate: ObjectToss
     Color: -1 
     ObjectId: Motivational Megaphone Effect
     ThrowTime: 0
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Amount: 5
     Stat: ATT
ActivateOnEquip: IncrementStat
     Amount: 5
     Stat: VIT
BagType: White Bag
MpCost: 100
FeedPower: 1000
XPBonus: 7
Usable by: