» Book of Chess
Contains information about a long forgotten game, practiced by the masterminds of the Ancient Era.
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Class: Equipment
DisplayId: Book of Chess
SlotType: Potion
Sound: use_potion
Activate: ShowInfoPopup
Title: Forgotten Chess
Text: {color=#30364d}How to play{/color}\nSimply say the name of a piece, then stand on top of it to select it!\nSay another piece's name if you change your mind, or 'cancel' if the piece was already selected.\nCheckmate, Stalemate and Threefold Repetition aren't checked.\nYou must manage this yourself by saying 'Draw', 'Resign' or 'Checkmate' to propose it.\nBoth players must agree for a proposal to succeed!
BagType: Brown Bag
FeedPower: 5